Tag Archive | birthday

Review: The Palace Tea Room (Sydney CBD, NSW)

Review: The Palace Tea Room (Sydney CBD, NSW)

Currently sitting in muggy Central Coast having post-birthday catch ups with the Family. Being a good daughter and granddaughter is something I’m good at. Ha ha ha. So while I’m hiding from the heat and bogans inside, I shall tell you a story about my 27th birthday lunch with that wonderful Aunt of mine at […]

Recipe: Ginger Spicer Cake

On Monday I turned 27. Heading slowly towards the big 3 0. Thank god I am not musical or I could join the 27 club. Being 26 was fun, I guess. A lot has happened in the last year, mainly figuring out what to do with my life. I went through the post-university-graduate stage of […]

Recipe: Jean’s birthday tart

As said before, I have been very lazy with my poor little blog (though side note, almost at 2 000 views yay!). And I had kept making empty promises to you readers about reviews, posting, gold, jewels etc. So I shall take you on a little trip back into last month when my Grandma Jean […]