Tag Archive | life

Why do I punish myself, food-wise?

Why do I punish myself, food-wise?

Why do I eat food that always makes me sick?

Time flies

Time flies

Wow… last post in December, filled with passion and a pile of new ideas. Silly silly girl haha. Well the reasons why I haven’t been filling your lives with whipple-joy is the following; * Working two jobs with increased crazy hours for both. * Moving house * Writing Restaurant Articles for Foodi Tour’s article pages […]

Recipe: Ginger Spicer Cake

On Monday I turned 27. Heading slowly towards the big 3 0. Thank god I am not musical or I could join the 27 club. Being 26 was fun, I guess. A lot has happened in the last year, mainly figuring out what to do with my life. I went through the post-university-graduate stage of […]